Wednesday, 25 March 2015

St. Patrick's Day

We learned a bit about St. Patrick's traditions and decorated our classrooms with nice posters. Here there are some:

You can also have a look at Aurora's nice powerpoint about St. Patrick's Day by clicking here:

It was fun and some of us decorated our faces also...

Friday, 26 April 2013

Here you have exercices to practice the present simple and the present continuous (progressive)


More activities

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Good morning,

You should do the activities you will find in the following link.
Work hard!!!

Són activitats per practicar el present simple. Heu d'anar a la part de baix de la pàgina on trobareu un requadre amb diferents exercicis i fer cada un d'ells. Teniu la possibilitat de corregir per saber si ho heu fet bé o no.
